Fiorella Ikeue is a Peruvian-American illustrator and artist based in southern Japan. With a graduate degree in biology (Kalamazoo College) and master’s certification in science illustration (University of California Monterey Bay), she specializes in the intersection of science + art. Her work is centered on exciting visuals that engage the viewer with the natural world, scientific ideas, environmental issues and beyond. Clients include National Geographic, Patagonia, Ink Dwell, SF Baykeeper and Grist.
What is science illustration?
Science illustration is art in the service of science and is used to communicate complex subjects and concepts. It is a large and evolving field that includes natural history illustration, medical illustration and botanical illustration. It often requires a lot of research, observation and back-and-forth with experts. While accuracy is of the utmost importance, my main goal as an illustrator is for nature and science to feel exciting and accessible. I love my job because I am able to blend the “information” side of science with the “emotion” side of art. In today’s age it is easy to feel apart from nature and overwhelmed by information, making it all the more important to have visuals that connect to both our hearts and minds.
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